Life Neuroscience

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Life Neuroscience

2024، Volume 2، Number 1

Online ISSN: 2942-4445

Director-in-Charge: Dr. Nasrollah Moradikor

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Nasrollah Moradikor

Publisher: Medical Sciences Publications, LLC

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Accepted Articles

XML Carotenoids and Their Formulation Supplements in Alzheimer’s Disease
Ebenezer Idowu O. Ajayi *, Isaac O. Babatunde, Johnson O. Oladele
Abstract -   Full text (PDF)
XML Beyond Neurons: The Integral Role of Glial Cells in Cognitive Function, Pathology, and Treatment
Hawraa Tofaili, Asmaa Al-Masri, Lama Faour, Nourhan Kanso, Maher Jammoul, Ahmad Al-Moughrabi, Alaa Younes, Ragheb Al Mokdad, Rim Karaki, Aya Zaraket, Jamil Nasrallah *
Abstract -   Full text (PDF)
XML Neuroprotective Effects of Edible Bird Nest Towards Parkinson’s Disease
Noor Shaidy, Husna Haszlihisham, Fatimah Haider, Nursyafiqah Shaharudin, Nur Jalil, Wael Mohamed *
Abstract -   Full text (PDF)


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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 2، Number 1
  • Online ISSN: 2942-4445
  • Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Nasrollah Moradikor
  • Director-in-Charge: Dr. Nasrollah Moradikor
  • Publisher: Medical Sciences Publications, LLC

Indexing Databases 

  • German National Library, Frankfurt, Germany
  • International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
  • EuroPub Indexing Database, UK

Articles Subjects

  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Clinical Neuroscience
  • Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience
  • Technologies in Neuroscience

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